(XXX pronounce) (XXX he/she)
PhD Candidate
Department of Economics
University of Missouri
XXX REPLACE Research: econometrics (theoretical and applied)
XXX REPLACE Teaching: econometrics and statistics (all levels); intermediate microeconomics; math for economists
XXX TITLE (job market paper)
[XXX Replication files]
XXX OPTIONAL Abstract (copied from paper) or Summary (shorter, 1-3 sentences): I propose an econometric method for cold fusion. The basis for this......
XXX TITLE (with XXX Co Author), Econometrica, 2024
XXX TITLE, AER, forthcoming
XXX TITLE (working paper)
XXX TITLE (work in progress)
XXX TITLE (work in progress)
Teaching assistant from 2020–2023 for courses including XXX COURSES
Instructor for XXX COURSE in XXX YEAR (XXX/5.0 average rating, XXX% response rate)